November 2008
I have lots of videos and pictures for you guys to see. I have spent a lot of time recording videos and taking pictures because i want you all to see what is happening down here and I also want you to be as exited as me about this. It is always better for your prayers when you have a visual of something.
This time I´m posting pictures of a trip that I had with the youth group to the mountains, also some pictures and videos of a concert that we whent to a few weeks ago, where we had part of the youth group along with some non christian friends. And I edited some videos with pictures, videos, interviews, etc of the Vitilla Tournement that we organized. I know that many of you have been praying for me and our ministry down here; I apreciate it, because it has given me strenght to continue going foward.
Here is the first video of the vitilla tournement...For those of you who don´t know what the game of vitilla is, I tried to explain what we play it with ion this video. It has the same rules of baseball. THIS VIDEOS ONLY SHOW THE GAMES OF THE REGULAR SEASON. I WILL TRY TO POST VIDEOS OF THE FINALS ALSO.
Before I show you the second video, I want to explain some of the reasons why this tournement has become so special to me:
1. Is the first time we do it and we have around 55 players in it. In which those 55 people, we only have 3 christian. Which is what God called us to do ¨to be a light in the darkness.¨
2. In every game, we have a total of 200 to 300 people that come to watch the games. Again, most of this people are not christians and they are loving the tournement.
3. 95% of the players are gangsters and thugs of the comunity that are involve in drugs and gangs.
4. The players have a voice...When my friend Hendry, from my youth group, came up with this idea, we did not know what we where getting ourselves into. We didn´t know what the rules where gonna be, where we were gonna play, things like that, and along with all the player, we all came up with ideas and we put everything together. They all have been very respectfull of the rules because its a christian tournemnent and because they help made the rules.
5. It has help me make new friends. They have realized that I respect them and love them just as they are, so have shown me their respect too.
6. We are planning to plug them into our thuersday nights services as soon as the tournement is over.
7. Some of them have talked to me about how much they apreciate this tournement, saying that this game is keeping them out the streets. And that they were being pick by the police before for doing nothing in the street.
8. The neiborhood is thankfull because they have seem a change in many of the guys. We have witness that many gang members that used to hate each other now are friends because the tournement.
God Bless you all, I know that i will always keep you in my prayers, just as I know that you keep me in yours. Thanks for your support, for always letting me know that I can count on you for anything. It is good to know that we have brothers and sisters all over the world that got my back. Thanks
In Christ,