Friday, February 13, 2015

We have begun this year with lots of blessings. God is always good and faithful; that the number one reason why I want to be his faithful servant. Because he has been so good to me. This year I had the privilege of performing my first wedding. It was a very special moment for me because the person that asked me to do it was my friend fernando. A friend that through the years  I have witness his growth in the lord. He is one of my best friends, and more than a friend a brother. I have to say that I was very nervous, because it was my first wedding. I’m glad that God helped me, like he always does and I didn’t break down in the middle of the wedding.
Another big blessing was a youth retreat that we did to JARABACOA, which is a little town in the mountains. It’s a great place to to get out your comfort zone, out of tv and wifi to see the nature and connect directly with the presence of God. In this trip we had 18 kids staying in a cabin  for one night. It was awesome. It was a very special moment because we have the opportunity of sharing everything. We did a cookout, we when to the river, jumped in the pool, play some pool, shared a bonfire, we did life together, and it was great.
My favorite moment of the trip was worshiping a the bonfire. Everyone had a moment to share the things that they were thankful for last year, and the things goals that they had for this year. It was powerful moment because sometime we don’t have the time to sit and think about all the things that God does in our lives. The beauty of the time that we had around the fire that night, was once we started talking about all the thing that God has done for us and all the dreams that we have moving forward, everyone connected with each other. There were lots of tears of joy and thankfulness. I think that we experience a real fellowship during that time because now everyone got to see whats going on in everybody’s lives in a deeper way. In a way that now, when our brother is struggling, now we have a better idea of how to help them, and how to bring encouragement as brothers and sisters. We are truly thankful to God for allowing us to connect in a deeper way. Some of the kids, when to that trip as visitors but now they are part of the body of Christ.
In this year God answered another one of my prayers. In 2006 GO Ministries sent a group of pastors in a missions trip to Colombia for a month. To help them built a Christian school for their church. I was in that trip, and since God started using my music to reach youth, I always wanted to go back and share what God has given me. Even though I always wanted to go back, I wanted to make sure that it was in Gods time. I wanted to be a God thing, it God didn’t go with me, I didn’t want go. I was very specific in my prayers. I wanted to share experience with my wife and and my two partners in rap ministry, Albania and angelito. We prayed and prayed, and as time when by we saw Gods hands working on everything. We needed a lot of money to cover this trip, and as you guys know, every year, we have to raise 5,000 US for CRISTO URBANO camp. So since you guys already support me with this  camp, I didn’t want to go out and also raise money for this trip, so what we did, we sold hats and tshirts. I am very thankful because you all supported me buying them, and that allowed my dream to come true. God provided.
Even after we had the money, we were not sure if God really wanted us to spend all that money to go to Colombia, but we step on faith and we did it. I have to tell you that I cant count the number of confirmations that God used to let us know that we were doing his will. I didn’t want this trip to be a personal desire that I had. I wanted God to confirm that were doing the right thing.
I have to say that in every city that we when, we saw Gods hands working.  Every place that we performed and preached people wanted more of Jesus. Also just as American team get to encourage us with your presence, Colombians also were very thankful and encourage that were there. Most of them we didn’t even know before this trip, God made connections and now we are family. We performed at nutrition centers, drug rehab programs, churches, tv shows, radio shows, and one of the most dangerous basketball courts of Cali. In every place God was with us because people’s lives were changed, and they began a transformation with the message they heard. Overall we had around 11 presentations (including tv and radio.)

We just visited 3 cities, Colombia is a big country, there were 5 more cities that wanted us to visit them but we were there for only 11 days, and didn’t have time. But Lord’s will in the future, in God’s timing we’ll be back. Thank you for all your prayers because have felt them. God has been protecting us everywhere we go. Next time you see either one of us, please as us about the trip, cause there is so much more that happened that is impossible to pod bless you and thank you for always supporting what we do.



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