MARCH 2009
- The youth group is growing more and more. In every activity we are getting new people and we are getting ready to baptize a about 5 more in the next couple weeks.
- We are getting ready for our anual youth retreat which is in two weeks. We are planning on bringing 30 to 40 youth from our church, they are very exite about it and the are getting ready for some bible competitions that they are having at the camp.
- bout weeks ago, we put together an activity for a sister church in the comunity of La Mosca (means the fly because its located in a garbage dump). Their pastor came to me saying that they wanted a special activity for the youth of that community because there is a lot of corruption there and they need some encouragement from youth from another church. We were happy to help, Our youth group prepared an event were we performed:
Black Theatre
And a 10 minutes sermon.
We were all involve in the program of that event and it was great, really fun. We enjoyed and they loved it. When Hendry, one of my youth leaders, lead a time of reflexion, they ready to recieve the message. About 7 kids from that comunity and 3 more youth from my group accepted christ as their lord an savior that night. It was great, I have some pictures for you all to see and a few pictures from that activity as well
People worshiping
Wilmer enjoying the service This is what we call ¨¨Teatro Negro¨¨ (black theatre)
Picture with Pastor Jonas
This is another video I made from the Opening day of the vitilla tournement...Enjoy!!