Wednesday, July 22, 2009

JULY 2009
Thanks to you all we were the first organization to put together a youth camp where the students for the price of 500.00 pesos/ 13.00 U.S. Got:
1. To spend Friday to Sunday at a camp with food and everything they needed.
2. A free T-shirt
3. A free CD
4. Hangout with with a bunch of cool gringos and my youth group lol
5. Transportation
6. Free concert
7. Great worship band, great teachers, and many other things.

You guys made this possible and for that I´m very thankfull. You all were part of changing many young people´s lives. From those who never been at a Christian event before to those who have been going to Christian events their whole life and at the camp God touched their lives.
- I am going to tell you a few positive things that have happen as a result of this camp:
For the last two months, our youth group has been working really hard putting things together for the camp. They have been making decorations, and preparing a drama as a group. They have had to come together in order to make this happen. All this time rehearsing and preparing for the camp has helped them become closer, which is awesome, because they all whent to the camp to serve, not to have fun but to make sure everyone else enjoyed. I´m very proud because I got to see them having a lot of fun but always thinking about others first.
- For the decoration of the camp, we needed to have some graffiti on some of the walls, but we didn´t have anyone in the youth group who did graffiti so we whent after the best graffiti guys of the neiborhood. We asked them for their help, and explained them what the camp was all about… Even though they are not Christians, they support our event with a lot of passion. They did a great job that everyone loved and being at the camp, involve in all the activities, made them realized their need for God. That was our real goal for them, to bring them to Christ through their service. I have kept in touch with them and now they are coming to all our youth group activities. They even came to the big church service without nobody telling them. They know they need God and God is working in their lives. Keep them in your prayers (Erick & Carlos).
- I have a friend that I know since I was like 10 years old, his name is Yoel. We have been through many fun experiences together: same baseball team, vitilla team, basketball, etc. All these years we have been really good friends. His mom just became a Christian about a year ago and she knows that we do a lot of things together. Well, she has been telling me to bringing to church somehow because he needs to straight his life up. Well I always told her that to bring him to church is a slow process that we have to go through, a process that all I can do is show him love, and that I care for his salvation but never using pressure. Well, at the camp I saw him and his girlfriend coming forward to accept Christ… That moment was priceless for me. They were crying like babies, because they knew that God was calling them and they finally listened to his call. A few days after the camp was over his girlfriend came up to me to tell me how much he has changed since the camp. She says that he wasn´t very good with his mom and when he when back home from the camp, he when crying to her because he knew he wasn´t being a good son. She says that even with her he is now different… She also told me how she used to be a mormon, and how se has been baptized in the name of the dead like 5 times. She says that they both wanna be baptized in the name of Jesus. WOW, I do not know how you feel like hearing this story but it just blows my mind, and makes me so happy. The last conversation I had with him, he was calling me cause he needs a bible. He also tells me ¨¨Hey, I´m doing this man, you gotta help me out in this process. ¨¨ as he is telling me this, I just wanna cry lol I know, i´m a cry baby whenever I see God´s power. By the way, alone with my friend and his girlfriend, like 15 more people came up to give their lives to Christ that night.
- Another big impact about this camp is that many people heared the name of the camp Ürban Christ¨ and they did not know what to expect. They probably though they were gonna be playing games all day long. Well they were wrong and we got them right were we wanted them. We used that name to attract people and we did. We had 140 to 150 people and I can say that 50% of them were not Christians. People from different corners of the country that I know that for next year´s camp they will spread the word and we are gonna have more people. Our job now s to disciple those around our community and pray that those who came to Christ from other parts of the country, someone is teaching them the word. By the way, our worship team and speakers for the weekend were awesome!!!
Here is a little video I made... Hope you enjoy it!

This has been a dream come true for all of us. We were bless to have a group of Americans from Okolona Kentucky helping us putting this retreat together. Without their help this would not be possible. My Great Lakes boys (Jesse, Matt and Mr. Tyler) that came down to help me out with this THANK YOU, we have talked about a trip like this for a long time, it finally happen and know is not gonna be the last. Thanks you guys, and thanks to all of you who took time to raise money for this cause. The results were better than we expected, people´s lives were touch and the young community of D.R. was bless with this camp. God bless you all!!
In christ,


Blogger ~*Michelle*~ said...

This was such a joy to read.....may God continue to shine through your works.

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great question to ask yourself when you’re feeling unsure is, “What Would God do?” This is a chance to connect with your faith. At the heart of most Christian retreat centers in Pennsylvania part of their top ten goals is to help others connect with God. Joy El Ministries focuses on young people searching for a way to better understand God, a way for them not just to pray, but connect on a long term basis. And the success rate here is outstanding! Joy El provides a place for the youth of America to not only learn but express themselves. Not only discover, but ask questions. Not only find God’s love but share God’s love. What would God do if he found himself at Joy El? No doubt say, keep it up.

10:09 PM  

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