MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS: As many of you know, we were hit by a tropical storm two weeks ago; it was desaster… This storm has been one of the worse stroms that has ever hit the country. A lot of people die and many desapear. The reason why this strom was so bad for the country is because the media didn´t do a good job telling people about the storm coming. It got us by surprise. The good thing about this storm has been that the country has come together helping each other out. In our community, my brother and I when around asking people for donations. We used the radio station and the church to sp
read the word about it…Let me tell you that I was surprise with all the things that we got from people. People I was never expecting anything from, that were not even from church, came up to us to give up clothing. G.O. Ministries also made a big constribution for the cause. After we got enough stuff, we drove them up to Batey 9 (almost 6 h
our away from here) to help the people there because their community was also a victim of the storm. I ask you to pray for these people because it is a really bad situation to be part of.
Last we we had a mini-familly conference for the families of those in our youth group. It was good, we also had visitors that I have never seen in church before and they had a good time. This was seminar that we want to have at least three times a year.
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